1. go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder
dh select nie...hahahaha...
2. select the 8th photo from the folder
Here they are~
3. post along with the story behind it
nie pasal rempit..kui3..
ms die kecik2 dl, die xsempat nk naik beskal...
so die rembat beskal bdk jiran umah die...
and then nielah jd nya...hahahaha
p/s ; tuan empunya badan jgn mrh k...kui3
4. then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same
Ok, here i gona pick :
1. nufarnari-omey
2. darkandlonelytranquaility
3. lianadriana
4. emeyzaaini
5. khairolazimin
6. nurulbadiah
7. masihbelomsempurna
8. kakimotong
Rule No 2 : pick both the right and the left photo of your eight photo from that folder
nie die tdo xingat dunia...
so skrg nie dh besar..hehehehe
mls nk urai pjg2 lebar dh...
nati tuan empunya badan mrh...kui3
(selamat ber-tag :D )